
Urbanbnb ... the alternative to the hotel

it´s an offer from

Urbanbnb B.V.
Blauwe Sluis 6a 6629 KK Appeltern

You can also reach us via WhatsApp message: +49 1520 210 5848


Registergericht KVK Amsterdam
Registernummer 84740531

Frau Claudia Urban

VAT: NL863342462B01

Responsible for the content [of the blog or similar] according to Section 55 (2) RStV
Claudia Urban

Informations to privacy policy are here.

Urbanbnb Blog

Contact / complaints

You can reach our customer service for questions, complaints and complaints Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm via WhatsApp at +49 1520 210 5848 as well as by e-mail at

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at
Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform to settle their disputes. Our e-mail address is:

External links

Our website contains links to websites of third parties. All links to websites of third parties were carefully examined by us when the website was created. Possible legal violations were not recognizable at the time of linking. However, we have no influence on the contents of linked websites of third parties, the respective service provider is responsible for this. Should illegal websites be accessible via the hyperlinks to third parties, please let us know. We will then check this and remove the links if necessary.